I love teaching in the math workshop format and have found it works very well in helping students be more successful with math. Math workshop is a great opportunity to work with students on math fact fluency, review important math concepts and skills, and practice being independent. Further, for a teacher, it is the best way to have more conferring opportunities and meet students at their individual levels and needs. (For more information on how I run the math workshop model in my classroom, check out my previous blog posts here.)
With that said, I’m super excited to introduce my first guided math workshop product that has everything you need to make math workshop a success in your classroom! In this product, I put together a teacher information page where I describe how I run the workshop in my classroom, including the structure of it. Then I included a unit overview of all the lessons that I will focus on during that unit. All the lessons are common core aligned and include interventions and extensions. I know that no one’s classroom is just on-level students, so I made sure that you had ideas on how to help students and remediate so they can understand better. And, the higher-level students don’t want to be bored, so I included activities for them too!
I provide a pretest so you can first evaluate their understanding and tailor your lessons appropriately and a post-test so you can evaluate how well they did after the unit. Of course, I include several formative assessments as you progress through the unit, including exit tickets.
I also provide vocabulary words that you can use throughout the unit to display on a word wall, along with anchor charts for you to create or display.
Each lesson is scripted (though not necessary to follow word for word) to provide you with the common language of the workshop model and in hopes that over time you can continue it on your own. The purpose was solely to help you become familiar with the workshop without feeling overwhelmed. It also helps you keep it brief and explicit.
Finally, it comes with active engagement activities and independent
resources such as games, practice sheets, sorts, and much more. I really wanted to make sure that you had a variety of activities and hands-on materials. I know just how important it is to move from concrete math concepts into more abstract. You’ll find activities (and more but not pictured) such as these included in the workshop packet:
Of course, for some independent activities, I like to use centers. In some of my centers, I have task cards that review concepts such as my Superhero Rounding Task Cards and Slime Ball Place Value Riddles Task Cards!
For other centers, I use my supplementary Place Value and Rounding Practice Pack, where students can practice place value and rounding in many formats, such as in games, practice sheets, exit tickets, and sorts:
To give you an idea of how the lessons are structured, I am providing you with a freebie to download right here. Check out the full bundle by clicking on the image below or click here.
If you are looking for an excellent (and proven method!) for motivating students to learn their multiplication facts, check out my Multiplication Boost Program (previously called Monster Math – but it’s not a Halloween product). This program is similar to Mad Minutes, but instead of each “test” being a mix of multiplication problems, it works students up through the levels.
In the problems, students start off with half a page of a few problems and work up to a full page with more. Each time they master a set of facts, it is added to the next level. For instance, level 2’s are a mix of the facts of 0, 1, and 2’s. Once students get to the end, they are super excited to win a cute little monster (or whatever prize you wish!). I can honestly say I have given the test on Friday and had students ask me first thing Monday if they passed! It’s extremely motivating!
3 Responses
What a great product! I am looking forward to buying the other units, too! You have helped me see how great guided math workshop method is for the classroom! Thank you!
Teaching Special Kids
Wow! So many great ideas here! I really appreciate the freebies and will be pinning them. Thank you for taking the time to link up with the Teaching Tuesday link up party. It's appreciated!
~Heather aka HoJo~
Which pack has the place value slider? I would love to have that for my 2nd graders!
Rena at ba*****@be*******.net