This Product Includes:
✓ Multiplication and division fluency program
How You Can Use This Product:
✓ This program works well for 2nd grade teachers who are just introducing multiplication, 3rd grade teachers who need to meet the 3.OA.7 standard up to the tens, and 4th grade and up teachers for continued practice.
✓ Students continue working their way up each set. When they master (all correct in two minutes) the twos, then they move on to the threes, and so on. Each set reviews all the previous facts and focuses on the new set of numbers. Therefore, students are not just memorizing facts for a test and forgetting them, because they are constantly spiraled back in each week’s test.
✓ As a weekly check or assessment
✓ A center activity
✓ Practice worksheets
This program is perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! It is low prep, too!
With a fully designed math program, it comes complete with everything you need! It’s definitely worth the value!
This program is perfect if you have have to teach multiplication and division but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This program saves you time! Additionally, it’s perfect for when you have a substitute!