Place Value and Rounding Math Workshop Unit


Bolster and enhance your math instruction with the help of this jam-packed resource! I’ve created a fully functional unit about place value and rounding that covers all of the important topics and skills for each concept. Let me help you by saving you precious time and energy!

I chose to review many pieces of place value from 2nd grade for my 3rd graders because it’s a foundational piece to understand breaking addition and subtraction up later when using strategies. While it’s not a specific standard, it does state in Common Core that 3rd graders should be able to identify place value up to the ten thousands place.

Save 20% when you buy the 3rd Grade Math Workshop for the ENTIRE year BUNDLE!  It has everything you need for the entire school year in math, including this unit!


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This Unit Includes:

✓ What is place value?
✓ What is the value of that place?
✓ What is standard form, and how do I say numbers?
✓ How can we represent place value (word form, base ten form, and extended form)?
✓ How can we compare and order whole numbers?
✓ What is rounding, and why do we do it?
✓ How do I round to the nearest ten (using number lines)?
✓ How do I round using the hundred chart?
✓ How do I round to the nearest ten in larger numbers?
✓ How do I round to the nearest hundred?
✓ When should I round in real life?

With This Unit You’ll Get:

✓ Pre-test and post-test
✓ Vocabulary cards for word wall instruction
✓ Scripted lesson plans
✓ Anchor charts
✓ Detailed mini-lessons with necessary resources for implementation
✓ Remediation and enrichment
✓ Two reviews
✓ Answer keys

These lessons are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!

With 15 complete lesson plans in this unit, that’s less than a dollar a day for everything you need–worksheets, centers, scripted lessons, vocabulary, and much more! It’s definitely worth the value!

This unit plan is perfect if you have always wanted to implement math workshop but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This unit plan saves you time! Additionally, with scripted plans it’s perfect for when you have a substitute!


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