Reading is a valuable and critical skill that students need to develop. As teachers, we are always in need of fresh ideas and tips to help our kiddos soar to new reading heights. Explore this section to get started.

If you are looking for a mentor text to create a touching mood while teaching about treating others kindly, look no further! This book can be used to teach making connections in reading and to bring discussion in the classroom.

MTM: Each Kindness

My mentor text this week is Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson.   The author of this story explores the importance of being kind to others.

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Are you looking for a way to connect fiction and nonfiction text together while teaching about comparing and contrasting? This mentor text teaches about Hurricanes all while utilizing figurative language!

MTM: Hurricane!

This week for my Mentor Text Monday, I want to tell you about a book called Hurricane! I’m not referring to the nonfiction text by

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