This resource covers the following reading strategies and reading skills
✓ making connections
✓ asking questions
✓ visualization
✓ summarizing
✓ making inferences
✓ determining importance
✓ synthesizing
✓ using background knowledge
✓ using images in text
✓ making predictions
✓ using text features
✓ using text structures (text organization)
✓ cause and effect
✓ main idea and supporting details
✓ author’s purpose
✓ compare and contrast
✓ fact and opinion
✓ sequencing
✓ paraphrasing
✓ author’s viewpoint
✓ point of view
✓ figurative language
✓ literal meanings
✓ problem and solution
✓ vocabulary
Additionally, you’ll find that there are two different versions, one large and one small. The larger version is a full page that contains more graphics and questions for the students to think about. It would make a perfect display in the hallway. The smaller version contains two to a page and has just a main question. This is perfect for interactive notebooks or as a series of student work, taped together, and displayed as a long banner.
These pennants can be used for reading response, early finishers, review activities, small groups, individual work, partner work, whole group, homework, and so much more!
The goal is to get students to think about and utilize these reading strategies and skills in all content areas, while engaging them.
This resource is perfect for:
✓ Non-fiction reading pieces to help integrate reading and meet RI standards
✓ Reading Response
✓ Literature Circles
✓ Literary Centers, Science Centers, Social Studies Centers, or any center!
✓ Practice and review sheets (printables)
✓ Early Finishers (fast finishers)
✓ Response to Intervention (RTI)
✓ Small group, partner work, whole group, homework
.… and so much more!
These pennants are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!