Promoting Positivity with your Students

In a world where negativity dominates the media and lives, it’s so important for your students to remain optimistic amidst the pressure of everyday life and schooling. This doesn’t mean that you have to be fake. In fact, promoting positivity with your students can come naturally when you integrate these positive actions into your daily routine.

Create a positive classroom atmosphere with these classroom management ideas and set your students to success by promoting positivity with your students!

Ideas for Promoting Positivity with your Students

Greet your kids at the door.

A morning hello or high five goes a long way to help your students start their day feeling good! A sincere “good morning”, asking how their night or weekends went, and telling your kids how excited you are to see them makes them feel important. Call each student by name as they walk into your room. This may seem like a little thing, but knowing that an adult in their life cares can be such a positive thing for many of your students. This is also a great way to build relationships with students!

Encourage random acts of kindness.

Model random acts of kindness in and outside your classroom. Hold the door for others, and praise students when they do the same. Leave positive notes of encouragement for students. Let students know that acts of kindness are done for the sake of being kind, not for recognition. However, to encourage the spread of kind acts, have students add kind-hearted actions that they witness to a positivity or kindness wall. Seeing these niceties in action will inspire the students to spread their own sweet words and deeds.

Contact each parent with praise.

It’s necessary to make personal contacts via phone or email to parents when student behaviors or academic needs become concerning. However, why have the only contacts home be negative? Make it a point to contact every parent this year with a positive, individualized message about their child. Let them know that you are happy to have them in your class and proud to be their teacher. Point out some great things that their child is doing in class even if they’ve struggled in the past. You bet your students will hear about that positive email or phone call from their parent, and that positivity will be contagious when they return to school!

Leave baggage at the door, but be real.

You are human. You will have struggles in your personal life and career, and sometimes it’s hard to shut it off and have a sunny disposition when you enter your classroom. If you’re not feeling well or things are tough, it’s OK to let your students know that you’re not yourself. I often tell my students when I have a cold or am feeling under the weather, for example. However, I tell them that I am there because they are so important to me, and as long as I can be there, I will give them my best. Your kids can know you’re human, but you should always show them that working with them is a highlight of your day.

Your students may receive negative messages from friends, media, and even home, but you can help keep their time at school awesome by promoting positivity with your students each and every day.





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