Rounding to the Tens and Hundreds Task Cards


Do you have kiddos in your class who are struggling with rounding? These engaging task cards will help your students master the skills of rounding to the nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred. The practice in this set includes smaller numbers and larger numbers for a more complete practice session.

File Type

PDF (Acrobat) Document File

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This Product Includes:

✓ 32 task cards

With This Product You’ll Get:

✓ Answer sheet
✓ Answer key

How You Can Use This Product:

✓ Small groups
✓ Partner work
✓ Individual work
✓ Homework
✓ Scoot
✓ Math centers

These task cards are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!

With 32 task cards in this product, you have everything you need for a lesson or for a center! It’s definitely worth the value!

These task cards are perfect if you have always wanted to implement math workshop but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! These task cards save you time! Additionally, they’re perfect for when you have a substitute!


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