Unknown Number in an Equation Color by Number (Color by Code)


Explore missing numbers in an equation with this hands-on, engaging activity! With 8 different color by number math puzzles, your students are sure to get the extra math practice they need to meet the common core standard of 3.OA.4.

File Type

PDF (Acrobat) Document File

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What’s included:

-8 Differentiated Color by number (or Color by code) practice sheets

-Answer keys

This product in use: 
-Have the students go through and solve all the problems first. Students can fold the paper in half so that they aren’t looking at the color by number puzzle for the solution.

-Then have students color the answers in the puzzle.

-Easy quick checks for both the teacher (circle answers on the key) and self-checking for the students

-Perfect for small group work, response to intervention, homework, independent work, partner work, whole group activity, early finishers, math centers, and so much more!


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