Plant’s Structure and Functions Hanging Mobile Craftivity


Have you been looking for a resource to help you further explore plants’ structures and functions? If so, then look no further! This plants craftivity is the perfect addition to your instructional toolbox, and your students will have a blast while they create it–and while they learn about plant parts!

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PDF (Acrobat) Document File

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This Product Includes (pick and choose to use or use them all!):

✓ Stems
✓ Leaves
✓ Roots
✓ Fruit
✓ Flowers
✓ Seeds
✓ Bulbs

How You Can Use This Product:

✓ Students put together four plant pots into a 3-D shape and attach leaves with an illustration of the part and on the back of the leaf describe the function.
✓ Add a little yarn for the hanging part, and you are good to go!

These lessons are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!

With a fully designed craftivity, it comes complete with everything you need! It’s definitely worth the value!

This craftivity is perfect if you have to teach about plants but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This unit plan saves you time! Additionally, with scripted plans it’s perfect for when you have a substitute!


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