
Place Value and Rounding Printables, Games, and Activities for Math Centers

Original price was: $4.25.Current price is: $3.19.

What time is it? Time to jazz up your math centers! This is a packet full of printables, math games, math centers, and activities to supplement your math instruction of rounding and place value. Your students will be highly engaged in these activities at your math centers while learning and practicing important Common Core State Standards.

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PDF (Acrobat) Document File

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This Product Includes:

The following resources to practice place value and rounding:
✓ Printables
✓ Games
✓ Centers
✓ Activities

With This Product You’ll Get:

✓ Answer keys for all place value and rounding resources included
✓ Mini-assessments (ticket out the door, etc.)

How You Can Use This Product:

✓ Homework
✓ Small group instruction
✓ Whole group activities
✓ Partner work
✓ Morning work
✓ Centers

These activities are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!

With a variety of activities in this resource, you’re gaining access to everything you need–worksheets, centers, games, and much more! It’s definitely worth the value!

This resource is perfect if you have always wanted to implement math workshop but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This resource saves you time! Additionally, it’s perfect for when you have a substitute!


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