
Animal Classification Causation Cards

Original price was: $3.25.Current price is: $2.44.

Look no further for a resource that makes both a wonderful introductory activity AND a fantastic review activity! These causation cards exploring animal classes will have your students reading, speaking, listening, learning, and–most importantly–having fun! Review important animal classification content with these cards.

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This Product Includes:

✓ Invertebrates
✓ Vertebrates
✓ Bird group
✓ Mammal group
✓ Reptile group
✓ Amphibian group
✓ Fish group

With This Product You’ll Get:

✓ Numbered cards for correct ordering
✓ Notes about necessary props where applicable
✓ Integration of speaking and listening skills
✓ Opportunities to build fluency, prosody, and reading accuracy

How You Can Use This Product:

✓ Teacher reads the starting card, but this is not always necessary.
✓ Each student has to listen carefully to other students to know when it is their turn.
✓ You will find the end of a statement the previous student said in red, the action to be performed in green, and what that particular student who has the card says in black.
✓ Card will state an action that a student must perform and a statement they must say. The action can be something simple from jumping in the air to drawing on the board. The statement can be a definition of a term or related concept.
✓ Review activity
✓ Introductory activity

These causation cards are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!

With a fully designed causation card set, it comes complete with everything you need! It’s definitely worth the value!

These causation cards are perfect if you have to teach about animal classes but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! These causation cards save you time! Additionally, they’re perfect for when you have a substitute!


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