I love Thanksgiving! It is the first major break since the start of the year, and the time after always rushes right up to the next longest break- Christmas! Don’t get me wrong. I love spending time with my little third graders, but I enjoy the holidays and my family the most. I also enjoy having a relaxing break from all the work teachers do!
Thanksgiving Activities
I want to quickly share a few things I do for Thanksgiving each year.
One of the first things I do each year is providing students with a reading piece (found here for free download) about the Pilgrims coming to America on the Mayflower and overcoming a harsh winter by meeting Squanto.
I have my students read this piece and together we discuss the causes and effects. I like to have my students create a Mayflower boat and attach post-it notes to the sails with their causes and effects attached. Here is a picture from long ago, but the one above (found in the freebie) is a bit more up to date.
We also make Indian Corn. This is not my idea but rather a colleague’s. This makes a beautiful display in the hallway and it’s fun. Students simply cut out small squares and glue them on a corn pattern next to one another. I found that if they are not overlapping, but instead spaced apart, it looks better. The bow is made simply from crepe paper. I have included a close up of one.
Finally, I want to give a very special thank you to you for reading my blog and checking into my resources! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!
For more seasonal ideas, head on over here!