This Unit Covers:
✓ Electrons, protons, neutrons (small lesson with atoms and matter)
✓ Static electricity (attraction, repulsion, and electrical discharge)
✓ Current electricity and its components (battery cell, wires, resistor/load/bulb)
✓ Simple circuit
✓ Series and parallel circuits
✓ Open and closed circuits
✓ Controlling the flow of the current (fuse, circuit breaker, switch)
✓ Conductors and insulators
✓ Electromagnetism
✓ Electricity safety
And TWO BONUS lessons…
✓ Diagramming circuits
✓ How electricity gets to your home
With This Unit, You’ll Get:
✓ Non-fiction reading pieces to help practice reading skills
✓ Engaging, hands-on science experiments and investigations
✓ Higher level thinking activities and cooperative learning
✓ Creative craftivities
✓ Practice and review sheets (printables)
✓ Interactive notebook pages
✓ 15 high quality, day-by-day detailed lesson plans
✓ Answer keys
.… and so much more!
How You Can Use This Unit:
✓ Day-by-day lessons – as written
✓ As a supplement to an already established program
✓ Science or literacy centers
✓ Integrate into reader’s workshop
✓ Response to intervention
✓ Whole group, small group, partners, or individual work
✓ Early finisher work
✓ Enrichment activities
These lessons are perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! They are low prep, too!
With several complete lesson plans in this unit, that’s less than a dollar a day for everything you need–worksheets, centers, lessons, vocabulary, and much more! It’s definitely worth the value!
This unit plan is perfect if you have to teach about electricity but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This unit plan saves you time!